We provide soft tissue surgery for your pet. Some of the procedures we perform include: Spay, Neuter, Dental Cleaning (COHAT), Tumor Removals etc.
Surgical pricing also includes a pre-surgical examination, IV fluids throughout the procedure and pain medication for you to go home with to keep your pet comfortable.

What to Expect:
We perform surgeries on Tuesday and Thursday every week.

Our receptionist will schedule you to drop off your pet the morning of surgery. One of our veterinary assistants will discuss the procedure and answer any questions that you might have. After you have dropped your pet off, we will perform a physical examination, get any blood work that may be needed and give them medication to help calm their nerves (just like we get when we go into the hospital for surgery). The veterinary assistant that you met with in the morning, will be with your pet throughout their stay including during the procedure where they will be monitoring your pet’s vital signs. Once the surgery is finished and your pet has recovered from the anesthesia, you will receive a phone call letting you know that the surgery is complete, an update on how your pet is doing and the best time for you to come and pick them up.

Canine Spay: $260-380
Canine Neuter: $190-310
Feline Spay: $190-230
Feline Neuter: $150-190

*A pre-surgical exam charged if they have not been seen the patient within 3 months of their last examination